Sunday, November 14, 2010

Come Blog with me!

I am blogging today (well, tomorrow, Monday)with Shelley Munro ( C'mon by and see what we're up to...and win a Kindle copy of Late Harvest.


  1. Hi Suzanne...

    Sorry I missed your giveaway but I wanted to say congrats on your release...

    I have it on my month end buy list - must get!!!! Love the excerpt......

    I have a question or two for you....

    1 - Do you have other short stories or pieces published as you said you were with Kensington..

    2 - This series of books you have to come, are they about the same set of characters or different couples for each book..

    3 - When you went to TMP did they make any request for changes to your original manuscript.. As you were true to your product for all these years.. Did they want any changes...

    P.S. - I am also a huge fan of LaVryle Spencer's work. The Gamble is my favourite..


  2. E.H.: thanks. Sorry you missed the Monday event, but I'm also giving away a signed paperback on Marissa's Sizzling Hot Books where I have an interview up this week. I will draw one person's name, so leave a comment there. Glad you liked the excerpt--there were several I wanted to show. Had a difficult time deciding.
    To answer your questions: 1. I sold three novels and a novella to Kensington all of which will be re-released by TMP in the coming months.
    2. The books to come (including some never before published ones) are all different couples and different settings. 3. TMP is a wonderful publisher to work for. Kim appreciates quality so is a stickler for good grammar, smooth transitions, competent writing, but she did not make changes to my stories. I did have to reformat to TMP house style, however.

  3. Thanks for responding my dear...

    I was a bit curious about how much of your original concept was still there as I have heard horror stories of publishers wanting authors to gut their entire concept in order to get inline with company format..

    I am pleased you and TMP clicked I have recently started reading their stuff and i like the quality - ALOT....

    I also love your cover art as well - very tasteful, that is nice when the industry is overrun by half nekkid people as cover art...

    Congrats on the relase.. I look forward to reading it..


  4. E.H.: all of my original concept remains. This was not so at some of the New York publishing companies I submitted to. Even kensington was only interested in Late Harvest if I changed the wine-making family to an ethnicity other than German. Not so with TMP.
