Monday, October 4, 2010

A Bit of This 'n That

After one last stand, summer has bid goodbye. We awoke to howling winds and an overcast sky. Working in my art studio, I was obliged to turn on the space heater. Wow! Only last week it was the fan that I had running.

I made a moonstone pendant wrapped in gold, and in less than two hours it had sold. I wish I could find more stones like this. I also canned several pints of salsa from an abundance of ripe tomatoes. Tomatoes, onion, diced jalapenos and cilantro. Yum!

Okay, it's now October and time to gear up for my book launch. I'll be blogging at several sites and will be offering prizes (think jewelry), maybe a recipe or two. I'll also be offering a Hallowe'en article for The Romance Studio's Spookapalooza starting October 6th. To get you in the mood, here's an Irish recipe for Barm Brack.

Photos are of the moonstone pendant and my beloved kitty Debra on a pumpkin we grew from seed and a scary house--Coppinger's Court in County Cork. Seasonally appropriate, don't you think?

labradoritesamhaincoppinger's court


  1. I just saw your post at Spookapalooza and thought I'd visit you here. That's is a gorgeous pendant you created! I wish I had that kind of talent, but I'm the anti-Martha Stewart. I have uncreative hands.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  2. Hi joderjo: just saw your comment. I am self-taught on the jewelry thing. Learned from books and magazines.

    I love the moonstones as well. Just received a shipment of 8 from Bankok and will be wrapping away.
