Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jingle Shells

Today I'm participating in the arts and craft show known as "Jingle Shells" at UCSC's Long marine Lab. Usually a great venue with free food and drink, live Christmas music and tons of visitors. In addition to sea-inspired jewelry, I'll be promoting Late Harvest. guessed's raining again this weekend. Sigh.

Between visitors (who I hope are shoppers) I'll be finishing a wonderful Kindle edition of Alexis Harrington's HOME BY MORNING, a fascinating romance set in 1918, complete with boys at the front and the Spanish flu epidemic. I had never seen this setting in a romance and was intrigued. It's part of Ms. Harrington's backlist, now available on Kindle for $2.99. I'm loving this book!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Suzanne!
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