Monday, September 20, 2010

Everything does not always run smoothly

Always back up your computer. Always! Double and triple-check your data. Why am I telling you this? Early last month I sold a second story (my favorite book of all) to Turquoise Morning Press. No problem. I had it stored on my computer, stored on my husband's computer, even stored on the external hard drive. But when I went to format it to TM house standards, I was shocked to see only five of the twenty-one files. All the others had all three places! Fortunately, I located a single hard copy and set about retyping that sucker (not an easy task when you hunt and peck). It could have had a sad ending, but all is

I'm now doing a final edit on book three, due out next August, also gearing up for the autumn arts and crafts shows in my area (I have one this week), and getting ready for house guests.

Our mild summer has slipped into autumn, and the liquidambars are beginning their gorgeous display of vivid reds. We live in an area of mostly evergreen trees--Pacific redwoods, live oaks, firs and madrones--so we planted Palo Alto liquidambars, a Copper Beech, several hawthorns and Japanese Maples to give a seasonal look. Let the display begin!

Yesterday I finished a gold-wrapped moonstone for a customer and today am wrapping a fat teardrop-shaped Laboradorite. Photos to follow...

labradoritemoonstoneimpression jasper

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